Tuesday 7 May 2013

Delusions of a student pilot.

The whole point of learning to fly (for most people) is acquiring the ability to visit other places. To take your plane and explore the wild blue yonder! Although this wasn’t the initial reason that I started down this road, I will admit that I’ve been bitten by the flying bug big time. So the thought of visiting new airports; new places, does excite me. A lot if I’m honest.

However; I was under the delusion that I may have some say in in this process, that I might even get a chance to engage in the planning process, maybe even some discussion. Alas no. Apparently now it is game on! I take off, Bob picks somewhere and away we go. I fly us there and land if needed.
I’m so dim sometimes, so naïve. When Bob asked me before the flight if I happened to have a copy of the CFS handy, I thought he was just checking that I was carrying the necessary paperwork for our flight, seeing how prepared I actually was. I didn’t think for a moment that he was leafing through it to pick an airport to throw at me.  I even knew (courtesy of RTH) that there was a strong possibility of me ended up at Greenbank at some point. Again I had massive delusions of actually being involved in this decision making process.

All of this is a bit tongue in cheek but I can’t help feeling that Bob has taken my previous “I can’t keep up with him” comment as a personal challenge to ensure that I don’t!


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