Saturday 20 April 2013

No room for any baggage

It is hard for me to describe the thought processes that led to the insanity of me booking a trip in a glider. Initially it just sounded like a cool thing to do and I’ve already mentioned my desire to fly in any plane I can get my sticky mitts on.

So I booked the flight (one for RTH, one for me) before I could chicken out. Reflecting on my decision I realised just how it is that gliders stay in the air. Thermals of course.  Ah!!! For thermals read “turbulence”. Oh crap WMAP!!!! What have you done? Seriously just what have you gotten yourself into? Too late to back out now, it’s booked and paid for. Suck it up and get on with it.
I made a decision, there and then. I need to stop labeling myself as a “nervous pilot”, because all I do is live up to my own expectations. I decided, I wouldn’t lie about my experience as a student pilot. I’d chat about the plane I flew, the airports I’d been to but no emotional baggage allowed. No sob story about how scared I was/had been. No tales of turbulence woes. No allegories of anxiety attacks.

I was just your run of the mill student pilot on her first time in a glider.
It ROCKED!!! (and so did the plane but that’s another story!)

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