Thursday 6 December 2012

The guys at the pointy end

Yet again I find myself in the wrong bit of the plane. I hate being in the back end. Still it was snowing when I left Toronto and I’m writing this after taking a walk along the beach in Florida, so I’m not expecting much in the way of sympathy!

I can’t help wondering about the guys in the pointy end – BTW the first officer sounds about 12!
Do they feel the same way I do every time I take off? Even after 30 hours and more takeoffs and landings tan I can remember, I still get that “Holy Sh#t- we’re airborne!”* feeling every time.

How long before that feeling wears off? How long before it just becomes a normal job?
I NEVER want to lose that feeling.


*Incidentally, the first words uttered by WMAP when given control of FJES! Thus starting the long precedent of profanity in the cockpit!

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