Saturday 13 October 2012

The Pact

Apart from the fact that I haven’t been able to fly today, I’ve had an awesome day. I met up with an old friend from ground school, whom I haven’t seen since it ended. We’ve exchanged a few emails (mostly me harassing her to sit her PStar already!)but that's about it.

Bizarrely enough we are pretty much at the exact same spot training wise. Both in hours and the fact that we are both poised on the brink of our first solo but have been foiled by the weather. I say bizarre because I always assumed that she’d whiz through this much faster than I would. It turns out that all three of us girls who used to sit together are pretty much at the same spot!
It was a great hour or so of talking flying with someone who truly understood it all. We shared our experiences, confessed our flying sins and generally spoke aviation for a while. It turns out we have a lot in common, we both:

·         Found landings tricky at first

·         Still don’t like crosswinds

·         Have family/friends who while generally supportive, don’t quite “get it” in some way or another

·         Have a very different view on what constitutes an emergency than normal people

·         Have had to cut back on our alcohol consumption

·         Found spins to be the turning point fear – wise

·         Distinctly dislike power-on stalls where the wing drops

·         Are looking forward to getting out of the circuit and doing something different

·         Have found it the most amazing, empowering experience of our lives

We left each other with a hug and a pact, when* we both get our PPLs we are going to rent a plane and fly to Muskoka, she’ll fly one leg, I’ll do the other!

 I can’t wait !

*Note the “when” not “if”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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