Friday 19 October 2012

The importance of quality checks

Not flying related but funny as hell!
I took a vacation from work for an entire week, during term time. Previously unheard of in my old position. Before I left I made sure that I’d tied up all the loose ends and left my boss any instructions she might need (I’m a big believer in screenshots with arrows, point here , click there!)

Well one of the things I had to do before I left was order some cookies. Not just any cookies, cookies to commemorate the ground breaking ceremony for our new construction.  We decided to go with shovel-shaped ones. I duly source a company who can provide such items* and view a sample of their work

Looks Ok, right? About what I was going for, so I order 1000 of them. One for each student and employee with a few spares.  Then I go on vacation without a second glance. On my return my boss gently takes me to one side to show me some pictures. Apparently what I ordered and what turned up were slightly different. See below

I giggled slightly and said “hmm, looks a bit like a turd on a shovel, not exactly what I was going for but I guess we lost something in mass production!”
It gets worse though, much worse! But this only becomes apparent when you look at the cookie upside down and from the back, voila!

Now do you see it? Yes ladies and gentleman in my absence it would appear that I equipped 800 girls aged 5 to 18 with a rather dubiously shaped cookie that they then proceeded to munch away on quite happily. Can you just imagine the scene? The communications department are furious with me because they can’t use a single photograph (apparently not the image we are going for, can’t imagine why!)

I don’t know what made my boss angrier the cookies or the fact that when this was pointed out to me, I laughed so hard that I did actually fall off my chair! Even now I can’t retell the story without crying with laughter.

Some how I still have a job.


* This is by no means the most bizarre thing I’ve had to source in my job. I once had to find a company to make a giant school uniform for our school mascot, a frog.

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